I fought a sore throat all week, and along with the book finally going to press, I didn't have any energy or inspiration. The pressure for 2009 to be the best year of my life is seeming more and more like election year hype than the real time for a big change. I believe small things have the most impact, hold the biggest treasures, and are the most precious. So my 2009 to-do lists are small reminders to do the things I love, but don't have the luxury of time for anymore. I miss the daytime, sitting on grass, thinking my own thoughts while walking slowly. Sunday was the perfect day to combine two items on my list: long bike rides and enjoying nature more.

The long and winding road through Golden Gate Park to Ocean Beach is bumpy and at times scary, but emerging from the forest and seeing the sparkles of the ocean on a warm January Sunday was perfect. We ate burritos in the sand and a sniffing poodle came up to us for what we thought was a friendly hello and then peed on Jorge's beloved biking backpack. Don't let these American Beauties fool you, it's not easy to look so lovely and pedal up steep San Francisco hills, but I'll still try.
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