Thursday, July 7

of the soul

of the soul

"The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience."

"The soul selects her own society,
Then shuts the door;
On her divine majority
Obtrude no more."

— Emily Dickinson

I found this small piece of notebook paper from when I took an Emily Dickinson class in CCS with Robyn Bell. That time reminds me of when I didn't believe I could understand writers, but we had fun with Dickinson and looked at her humor and in Robyn style, we always imitated form to feel it for ourselves. This was an attempt at dissecting parts of my soul, the mundane, everyday silly and stupid things.

the ninja makes magic

Now for a serious part of my soul, eating food that makes me feel good instead of food that makes me feel like shit: a major conflict of the soul. I haven't been eating too much this week because I've been scared to steer away from bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. And now that I'm pretty much at 90%, I didn't know what kind of protein to start with, but I knew I had to figure it out because I'm still a little dizzy/fuzzy when I feel hungry.

I wasn't ready for smoothied spinach yet, so I just started putting fruit and yogurt into the Ninja and this came out. It's exactly what I needed today to start feeling myself again, to help me be open to experience and select the best society. It's no profound recipe, but the simplicity is what I appreciated.

1 banana
1 orange
1/2 cup of greek yogurt

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